Friday, April 20, 2012

Believer's and Amendment 1 ( Marriage)

Thursday afternoon I came across this status on Facebook: VOTE AGAINST AMENDMENT ONE! Discrimination has no place in our state Constitution. Please stand up for equal protection under the law. Then followed by this status: In order to be with GOD to make all things possible, you must first be obedient to GOD! < These statuses were posted by the same person. Seeing this really stirred burned me up on the inside because it’s talking out of both sides of your mouth. Ugh!!! So figured I would share my heart with others the INSANE revelation that God gave me. So here it goes:

Question do you consider yourself to be a lover or follower of God? I ask because your previous status says to VOTE AGAINST AMENDMENT ONE! This is clearly the opposite of the will and word of God. His word tells us that if we love him we ...will keep his commandments John 14:15. Genesis 2:21-25 clearly shows us God's definition of Marriage (man and woman). Then in 1 Cor 6:9 he tells us that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 1 Cor 7 also shows us what God constitutes as marriage (again man and woman). So voting AGAINST AMENDMENT 1 is voting against the will and word of God. Matthew 6:9-14 Jesus himself shows us how to pray. Verse 10 states your kingdom come your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. So if homosexuality will not be accepted in Heaven (all followers of Jesus Christ and God eternal destination) then why would we accept it here on earth? We are to bring heaven to earth. James 5:12 tells us that your yes is to be yes and our no is to be no. So how can people pray one then to our Heavenly Father, but do something else. God didn’t call us to be nice but RIGHTEOUS. Don’t get me wrong I don’t have anything homosexuals I just won’t support things that are a contradiction to the will of my father. It’s not DISCRIMINATION!!!