Saturday, March 26, 2011


As I watched the video all I could say was what in the hell!!!! Hell as in the place that I’m being able to view with my natural eyes. This video screams HELL ON EARTH from the footage, symbols and just the words that she is singing. This is what our children are listening to, watching, and being taught when we aren’t around or in some cases we just don’t care because it’s just music. It’s not just music she is telling them that they were born a homosexual or bi-sexual and for them to embrace it, EMBRACE HELL CHILDREN EMBRACE the lies of deceit that my father (Satan) has distorted is what she is really singing. Continuously penetrated their minds with you were born a homosexual or bi-sexual which is a lie according to Jeremiah 1:5 and Jeremiah 29:11 it says I knew you before you were formed in your mother’s wombs; I have planned to prosper you not harm. 1 Corinthians 6:9 tell us that wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God. So if God is our creator who knew us before we were formed and has plans to prosper us why would he create us to be wicked and not inherit the things of his kingdom? Numbers 23:19 says that he is not a man that he would lie and Isaiah 55:11 says his word would not return unto him void. So clearly nobody was born a homosexual, bi-sexual, or whatever sexual you have decided to wear other than heterosexual.
If this video isn’t enough to send a righteous Holy Ghost fire of anger through your every being then I don’t know what else it’s going to take. Satan and his army are nicely marching into our homes with the things we allow our children to listen, watch and be taught. We are basically saying welcome Lucifer come on in the guest bedroom is to the left, shower across the hall MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME. They are twisted and distorting our Father and Creator words and masterpieces for their glory. No longer can we sit back and try to hide our children from what’s going on in the world.
We are in the beginning of the birthing pains so we need to get back to the original foundation that this country was founded on, which is PRAYER! Time out for Sunday school and reciting verses it’s time to raise up young warriors and Nazarites that will open up hell and dare the principalities of darkness to step out and try and tell them something contrary to word that has been written on their hearts. Prayer is the only way that can begin to tear into and down principalities of darkness and these strong spirits of sexual immorality and homosexuality Mark 9:29 tell us that these cannot come out without praying and fasting.
So where are the intercessors? The people with bloody knees and bloated stomach because they refuse to get off their knees and eat until they see this generation set free and delivered.

Matthew 10:34,
Deborah imatroubler