Saturday, February 26, 2011

Walking the Walk or Talking the Talk

One of the highly tweeted topics this week on my twitter timeline was about Said Musa, an Afghan who is awaiting execution for converting to Christianity from Islam. Musa has been imprionsed since May of last year,

while in prison he has been sexually abused, beaten and spat on for his faith in Jesus Christ yet he still REFUSES to renounce his faith. His comment for all that he is induring was, "My body is theirs to do what they want with. Only God can decide if my spirit goes to hell."
We are always saying that we are willing to die for what we believe in but are we really. Luke 14:26-30 tells us to count up the cost of being a disciple of Chirst. If on the day that you decided that you wanted to sell out to Christ and walk the narrow road there was that person who reads the side effects of medicine would you have still signed up for this lifestyle. If you quickly said yes you need to repent for lying. We have a hard enough time turning down our plate for a day(fasting) and making simple sacrifices. So how are we going to say yes we would sign up for this life long commitment that requires daily death(1 cor 15:31 esv),foresaking family and friends (luke 14:26 esv)(matthew 10:37-38), and persecution (Matthew 5:10-12 esv). Majority of us would have thought twice, long, and hard before we made the final decision. Said Musa has really grasped Matthew 16:25(esv) For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. He is willing to die for what he believes in. So many of us would be looking like modern day Judas if someone threated any part of your life for claiming Christ. Why, because so many of us are worried about status, what people will think or say, how will i provide for my family. Matthew 6:25-34 (esv) tell us not to worry about anything and to seek the kingdom of God and all these thing will be taken care of and by worring we are like pagans.

After reading the article I was convicted to the core and I had to repeat becuase I'm not walking the walking I'm just talking the talk. We as christian have to grasp and understand the life we haved been called to walk and not just talk about it like in James 1:22(message) says Don't fool yourself into thinking that you are a listener when you are anything but, letting the Word go in one ear and out the other. So when are we going to stop doing all this talking and just walk this thing out.

My prayer is that we as believer will get like Said Musa when trails, tribulations, and test come and our respond will be My body is theirs to do what they want with. Only God can decide if my spirit goes to hell.


Anonymous said...

OMG! You went there little warrior bride. It is time that someone from your generation stood up and spoke nothing but "in your face truth". American Christians are the most selfish, controlling, self-centered, false, greedy, hypocritical creatures on earth. This land NEEDS RAW truth! Do it God!